In the News
Business Insider: Donald Trump Overtakes Hillary Clinton in a coveted polling average for the first time
May 23,2016“Donald Trump has become – at least for the time being – the presidential frontrunner. The latest RealClearPolitics average of several recent polls put Trump ahead of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by one-fifth of a percentage point. It is the first time Trump has overtaken Clinton, the Democratic frontrunner, in the gold-standard polling … Continue reading “Business Insider: Donald Trump Overtakes Hillary Clinton in a coveted polling average for the first time”
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C-SPAN: LIVE Broadcast from RCP’s Washington, D.C. Office
Apr 27,2016Washington Journal’s live broadcast featured RCP’s Co-Founder Tom Bevan and Executive Editor Carl Cannon discussing RCP’s early days, its mission, and its role in the media marketplace as well as the presidential election campaign coverage. Following their debrief, National Political Reporter Rebecca Berg discussed what’s happening on the campaign trail, in Washington, and in Congress. … Continue reading “C-SPAN: LIVE Broadcast from RCP’s Washington, D.C. Office”
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Politico: Americans Triple Their Political News Intake in 2016 [RCP in Top 10]
Apr 14,2016“Ravenous for news of each twist and turn of the campaign, Americans have almost tripled the amount of time they are spending consuming digitally distributed political news…three cable TV networks — CNN Politics, Fox News Politics and MSNBC TV, in order — head up the most time spent on political news. Also, included in the Top 10, … Continue reading “Politico: Americans Triple Their Political News Intake in 2016 [RCP in Top 10]”
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The New Yorker: Why 2016 is So Very Important [utilizing Trende & Byler’s power index]
May 19,2015“[The Trende and Byler power index is] a data driven article that examines what’s happening not only in Washington but in legislatures and statehouses around the country [and]…has the merit of being straightforward, and it enables the analysis to be taken all the way back to the Civil War.”
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